This website was initially created to make Seventh-day Adventist members of the Oregon Conference aware of what has been happening in the Oregon Conference since the beginning of 2020 that has lead up to the resignation of President Dan Linrud. As members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church we have an obligation to give a warning so that what you're about to learn doesn't happen again in the future whether it be the Oregon Conference or any other SDA entity.
What was done, was done publicly (in the public, in a church, and on the internet), and therefore the warning is being made public.
The 3 next videos are from Kirk Weedman, a head elder in an Oregon Conference church, who has been sharing these presentations to other conference members.
This first video is related to Matthew 18 and 1 Timothy 5:20 to show when and why its proper for public rebuke.
This next video shows information about how the Oregon Conference planted a church called the Bloom SDA church. This church plant was done by Dan Linrud and other conference leaders starting the end of 2019. Discussions with Oregon Conference members reveal that they have little or no clue what all has been occurring in the conference in regards to the Bloom SDA planted church and conference finances. In this video you will see how the Bloom SDA church held church worship services off and on, for over 3 years, on the 1st day of the week before finally holding 1st day of the week ONLY services for several months in 2023 before disassociating from the conference. We were told, but have not confirmed, that the Bloom church received not only a full time paid pastor, but also $2000/month from the conference.
Is it any wonder that the Oregon Conference of SDA's is in a financial mess with nearly all financial departments/categories deep in the red by the end of 2023? God cannot and will not bless any church or organization that goes against his will. Dan resigned and went on "sabbatical" for 4 months starting in June 2024 after about 26 pastors in the conference were fired and/or retired. Is he getting paid for this "vacation" time? There's talk of him getting a job in the Oregon Conference after this "sabbatical". Should he remain employed in the Oregon Conference before any of 26 pastors that were let go? Should we reward him for the bad financial debt he put our conference in? Should he even be a pastor after having planted a church that held many of their church worship services on the Biblical 1st day of the week for over 3 1/2 years?
This next video will show you what can and will happen to us as SDA's if we don't awake and take action against wrongs and sins in our church, whether they be with members or leaders. This video was an online presentation by Kirk Weedman in 2012.
Other Conference History
Bloom SDA Church pastor Colby Maier announces how they use all of their donations/funds in a church service
April 9, 2023 - Bloom church has their Sunday Service Launch which has continued ever since.
Listen to this announcement at the church on April 9 - Easter Sunday.
June 22, 2023 - Jonathan Russell Appointed Assistant to the President - role to begin Aug 21, 2023
July 8, 2023 - Head Elder Kirk Weedman and his wife, from an Oregon Conference church, had a meeting with Adventists from several Conference Churches about the Bloom Church. Also in attendance was Jonathan Russel, then Assistant to the President for Multimedia Communications. At the end of the meeting Jonathan expressed he didn't see anything wrong with church worship services being held after sundown on Saturdays. This upset many people.
July 13, 2023 - Questions and Answers About Bloom Church in Portland
Sept 28, 2023 - Oregon Conference Announces Disaffiliation of Bloom Group from Seventh-day Adventist Church
March 1, 2024 - An Open Letter to the Oregon Conference Church Family From Pastor Dan Linrud, Oregon Conference President
May 23, 2024 - Linrud Resigns from Oregon Conference Presidency
August 31, 2024 - Bloom Church still listed on
What hopefully will happen is that the SDA church members can forgive Dan and the other leaders involved in the Bloom SDA Church plant, AND get policies and people put in place so that this does not occur again in the Oregon Conference. This should be something considered by all Conferences.
This doesn't mean the current Conference leaders should remain in conference employment. Many conference members have expressed no confidence in the current leadership of the Oregon Conference. We need leadership that we can trust both spiritually and financially. What about getting church members, not employed by the conference, to have some official status for warning members when things start getting off track? We need "watchmen on the walls", so to speak, that will guard against SDA church services being held on the 1st day of the week or any other day besides the 7th.
Members are expressing, that because they mistrust the current leadership, they will no longer donate ANY funds to the Oregon Conference until there is new leadership (meaning more than just the current president needs replaced). Anytime there are leaders that go against our fundamental beliefs, or use funds wrongly, members need to ask them to quite and if not, vote them out.
Please send your suggestions and what you think could be done to keep these things from ocurring again. Also, if you see any misinformation listed in our website, feel free to contact us at
Oregon Conference Alert
Under Construction
Watchmen Awake